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Dimensions1912 x 1650
Original file size2.04 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
The Northern Pinwheel Galaxy of M101

The Northern Pinwheel Galaxy of M101

Located just above the end segment of 'the handle' of the well known pattern of stars we call the Big Dipper lies Messier 101. The Big Dipper is part of the very large constellation called Ursa Major or the large bear. From our perspective on Earth Messier 101 appears as a medium sized galaxy that presents itself face on to display it's spectacular grand design spiral 'pinwheel' arms. This picture shows 3/4 degree from right to left where north is at the top. A few other very dim galaxies are in this picture that are much farther away if you want to try your luck you can spot 2 easily of the brighter ones with one on either side of M101.