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Dimensions1236 x 1247
Original file size1.09 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
M24 Star Cloud

M24 Star Cloud

In the south skies near the top of the constellation of Sagittarius lies a large cloud of stars that goes by the designation of M24. Near the top of the cloud are seen two dark patches called dark nebula and go by the designation of B92 and B93. These dark nebula are actually clouds of dust sitting between Earth and M24 so as to block the light from the star cloud. M24 contains a few other small groupings of stars including an open cluster of stars called Ngc6603 showing here as a very fine patch of tiny stars centered from left to right and 1/3 of the way from the top of this picture. Below M24 lies a round nebula called IC1283 separated from the star cloud by a dark gap of space. Pluto is also in this picture taken 1am on 8/16/2010 and appears far up to the upper right as if it were just another tiny star.