The Great Globular Cluster In Hercules
One of the best sights of the northern night sky is the globular cluster designated as Messier 13. This globular is a wonderful sight for almost any sized telescope and in fact can be seen as a faint smudge by the naked eye at a dark site. The picture shown here of this massive cluster also shows a couple galaxies where the largest one, Ngc6207, is seen in the upper left and the very faint IC4607 is about half way from the top of M13 out to Ngc6207. North is to the top of this picture that shows close to a 1 degree section of sky. See if you can detect the very subtle 3-prong propeller shape within M13 that is just to the left and a little below the center of this cluster where the darkest blade points to 8pm and the other dim blades point up (north) as well as to 4pm.