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Photo Info

Dimensions3312 x 2457
Original file size549 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
M42 Orion Nebula Area

M42 Orion Nebula Area

This image features the very famous Orion Nebula that is the closest massive stellar nursery to earth at about 1350 light years distance. To the right of center and dominating this image is M42 or the Orion Nebula with faint wispy nebula flowing off in most all directions. M43 is the teardrop nebulous area just below center of the image and just to the left of M42, the main Nebula. In the brightest area on the left side of M42 when this image is expanded by a click, you may be able to spot a tiny rectangle of four of the brightest young stars that are the main members of the Trapezium cluster. In the far lower right is the rich blue glow of a reflection nebula around star cluster Ngc1980. Then to the upper left (North) is the 'Running Man Nebula'. Here I envision the 'head' as at the upper left with one arm way out ahead and one way behind and legs wide as he runs down and to the left as if jumping over 3 bright stars in the cluster that lights the nebula. Between the two is an intricate pattern of dark dust in much fainter brown.